Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tent Hotel Should I Go And Stay In A Tent Or A Hotel For The Easter Weekend. I Live In The UK So Weather Is The Question.

Should I go and stay in a tent or a Hotel for the Easter Weekend. I live in the UK so weather is the question. - tent hotel

Man, I'm a little money, I am very poor, if you write to me at this address: want

I live in Malawi


diana - b said...

Why happiness is not the pot and take a tent. Then, when the weather is lousy book a hotel.

bongobaz said...

and the outlook for me here in the Midwest is the rain, so I go into the hotel and stay dry and boring!

unterdem... said...

You live in a tent, especially when they are young. He is unhappy at the time, but history, as all their possessions awoke in the night, and washed with a ferret in your face, will pay for itself many times over the years.

What is popular in the pub, if it is your story, as they slept soundly, and paid for in cash?

Viva la vida!

jbkua_ed... said...

Hotel ......

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