Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Scuba Diving Weight Belts Are SCUBA Lead Weights 100% Lead Or A Mix Of Metals?

Are SCUBA lead Weights 100% Lead or a mix of metals? - scuba diving weight belts

I melt a little scuba diving lead weights and pour into a mold to change the shape. Can I merge them as if they were just a piece of lead or I take extra precautions to be?


ssn591ex... said...

There is no "standard" alloy for things like weight under water, but it is highly unlikely that "pure lead" because there is no practical reason. However, as the balance wheel of a car alloys is unlikely to contain more toxic than lead them. Expressed in the open with adequate ventilation or other metals are no additional risk. Make sure (on a fireproof surface work concrete, earth, etc.) and the residence of smoke.

biged said...

It must lead rein.

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